The concept of the design is a mix of three things…
First it is centered around the method of printing. The parts seen in gold are printed over a metallic paper stock so they are actually mirror gold. The rest is masked and covered with a matte coating.
Second the literal imagery is made to look like a Japanese kamon, family crest, motifs collection. The title and each song assigned a kamon that is a mix of original and remixed imagery.
Third the main Kantos kamon implies imagery from the Dan Simmons sci-fi novel, Hyperion Cantos. Scrool down to the descriptions for more information.

Two shirts personally printed by me with gold ink were made for the label.
One for pre-order and another as a Spotify exclusive.

Covers for each single leading up to the release.
Lilliputian Chop's art was based on the anime music video that was produced.

KANTOS (title kamon)
This kamon mainly represents the Planet Hyperion and the Electric Trees. The square spirals are lightning imagery and the trunk of the tree is made of the character for tree.

Violin Akai
Akai is the adjective for Red, but can also represent a flower. The the charter for Aka is inside a petaled boarder.

Chiba Funk
The kamon uses the city prefecture flag of Chiba. The symbol in the middle is the katakana combo of CHI and HA.

Late Night Comic
I think this is based on a Satake clan kamon. The two stars are the subjects of the song, above a moon for the night, and make a laughing face.
I used this kamon with the fan because it reminded me of the comedy storytelling of Rakugo and the use of a fan as a prop.

This is just a motif mash-up based on imagery from lyrics. Lots of references to the sun, moon, and the surf.

Escape from Knossos
The look of this kamon is a little Mediterranean with the border that symbolizes a maze.
The combo of the kinkgo and blades makes a double sided axe; a symbol of Knossos.

Icarus IV
The design is inspired by phoenix wings falling over the national/emperor’s seal. This is meant to represent trying to reach the highest of highs but falling.

Hollywood Intermission
Kamon motif mash-up made to look like a movie's film reel.

Lilliputian Chop
A bit of a pun. It's a circle of life, but small. The cool radial lines are actually pine needles.

Analógico Brasil
Double luck and two connecting victorious hawk feathers. They represent an analogy or a relationship.

Make Believe
I really just liked the imagery of using the three belt stars of Orion (the Mitsu Boshi) swirling in bamboo leaves. I'll leave the meaning to the imagination.

Call it Off
Kamon motif mash-up combined to look like Japanese EXIT signs.

Tokyo Love Story
Features a collection of Tokyo symbols. Their Ginko flag, the metro six ray sun, and clover leaves as hearts.
Also, coffee mugs were made for the tour.