Many years back I worked on a solo album “Height” for John Nolan being released by Doghouse Records. John really wanted this new album’s layout to echo that album. He had a painting by Peter-John de Villiers photographed and wanted to use the same wallpaper behind from “Height.”
John also had most of the back font/type worked out. I really only went in to organize the sizing and spacing. I even thought it might be cool if the back looked a little like an old LP as if the back cover was a large sticker. If you aren’t familiar, go pull a 60s or earlier LP, examine the jacket and you’ll notice the art was applied to the jacket as a sticker. To give it most of a classic look I modeled the spine after Miles Davis “Kind of Blue.”
If you are unfamiliar with the musical career of John Nolan he was the frontman for Straylight Run and currently has returned to his position as guitarist and co-vocalist of Taking Back Sunday.
This record was crowd funded using PledgeMusic,
but is still available via John Nolan and Collective Confusion Records
or download: johnnolanmusic.bandcamp.com