This is the illustration that made it to the front of reddit and shared more times on every social network than I can count. Based on a photo of my childhood cat, it is now its own internet celebrity. Sold on Threadless and Socety6 as apparel and hold hold items.

I actually lost this photo many years ago. One of the reasons I illustrated this design was because I was in a bad mood and couldn’t find the original photo.

After the image went viral I was in a panic. I had no idea what to do with its popularity. The only thing I could think to do was submit it to Threadless before someone started bootlegging it on the internet.

Here are many of the promotional shots taken by Threadless.

When it was printed as a hooded sweater I was asked to design a left chest print. I didn't want it to just be the same illustration repeated. I thought a close up of the face licking its paw might be awesome and creepy.

Here's some of the tattoos I have found online based on my design.
So many sad mom.